Genetic Evaluation

Simplot Land & 畜牧业为夏洛莱育种者提供合作遗传评价服务,重点是对终末期品种进行遗传改良.


Simplot Land and Livestock Genetic Evaluation Service™

This system combines industry standard purebred phenotyping, commercial production data, 和基因组图谱,以提供准确的预期后代差异(EPDs)和终端父系选择指数,重点是在饲养期间生产具有优越遗传优势的商业犊牛. 我们致力于长期改进夏洛莱终端品种的遗传优点,用于商业和纯种应用.

我们的遗传评估服务的价值来自于Simplot Land独有的纯种动物和商业动物准确表型的独家和广泛数据库 & Livestock (L&L) and a limited number of cooperating Charolais breeders.

There are currently 6,097 Charolais bulls and 4,203 Charolais females with phenotypes and genotypes in our exclusive L&L database. Additionally, commercial phenotypes from weaning to harvest have been captured on 41,241 genotyped commercial calves. Individual feed intakes are measured at an in-house GrowSafe System in Grand View, Idaho. 具有平均EPD准确度和遗传力的遗传评价性状的完整列表见表1.

Trait Records   EPD ACC Heritability 
BW  7,627 0.78 0.35
WW 27,203 0.76 0.21
ADG 53,103 0.78 0.26
FI  12,050 0.74 0.31
RFI 12,050 0.74 0.31
FAT 39,094 0.79 0.39
REA 39,588 0.79 0.30
MARB 38,486 0.79 0.39
Ult FAT 5,593 0.74 0.38
Ult REA 5,587 0.76 0.39
Ult MARB 5,595 0.75 0.34
YG 39,094 0.72 0.40
HCW 41,241 0.79 0.37


Accurate EPDs Driven by Phenotypes and Genomic Profiles

提供合作遗传评估可以捕获夏洛莱品种中所代表的最大遗传变异. 这使得纯种生产者可以获得一组epd,其中每个父系都有准确的商业数据和基因组标记面板, which is not offered by the current model of National Cattle Evaluation. 在评估中,商业母猪平均有17头犊牛具有直接向环境保护署报告的生产表型.

我们的遗传评估服务返回一套完整的epd,除了饲养小牛盈利能力的终端父系指数($FCP)外,还附有个人准确性估计。. 该指数结合了纯种和商业表现,是一种揭示商业小牛整体遗传优点的选择工具. 结果是一套精确的选择工具,由广泛的可靠的生产数据数据库提供信息.

育种者可以参与在当代种群中收集的表型,并伴有DNA样本或历史基因组单核苷酸多态性(SNP)谱. We are happy to discuss custom applications to fit your breeding program.

Options and Pricing

Simplot夏洛来牛遗传评估服务可提供多种等级,以满足您的牛操作需求. From basic to advanced, we help you know your herd in precise detail.
Tier 1 Full Progeny Test - $8,500/sire

一个完整的后代测试提供了准确的选择工具,以创建一个全面的遗传评估. This service includes:

  • AI to selected population
  • Collection of phenotypes in Table 1 on purebred or commercial animals, including GrowSafe Feed Intake
  • DNA collection and genotyping service
  • EPD profiles, accuracy estimates, and $FCP index reporting
  • Semi-annual updates to EPD profiles, accuracy, and $FCP index
  • Custom phenotypes optional (i.e., sensory profile, bovine respiratory disease resistance, tenderness. Additional costs may apply.)
  • Breeder will be required to supply 60 - 75 units of semen.
Tier 2 Full Progeny Test - $5,000/sire
Tier 3 Full Progeny Test - $4,000/sire
包括Tier 2全子代测试的所有服务功能,并扣除产犊数据收集.
Basic Evaluation - $80/head

购买基本的评估只需要对当代10头或更多夏洛莱公牛进行表型分析(饲养者提供),并提供毛发样本进行DNA分析. Phenotypes that can be incorporated into the EPD prediction include BW, WW, ADG, FI, and ultrasound measurements (FAT, REA and MARB).

该评估将为epd提供表1中所有性状的准确估计,以及饲养小牛盈利能力的最终父系指数. 该评估根据完整的性状数据库,包括通过收获收集的商业生产数据,产生准确的epd.



While Simplot L&L将使用综合工具和预测模型来评估对育种者的夏洛莱畜群进行遗传改进的标准, our Genetic Evaluation Services are based upon information and data provided by the breeder. 因此,我们不能也不保证任何结果或具体结果,并否认任何和所有暗示或明示的陈述和保证. 育种者授予许可,将育种者数据纳入Simplot的独家专有数据库,以便L&L to perform Genetic Evaluation Services. 未经育种者事先书面同意,数据不会与任何外部方共享.

For more information, please contact:

Randall Raymond, DVM 
Director of Research and Veterinary Services 
Phone: (208) 834-2231

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